News and Events

WSCC Recycling


recycling special edition

Welcome to a special edition of our residents’ newsletter focusing on how you can help us increase our recycling rates and cut waste, a subject we know many of you are passionate about.


Tell us what you know about recycling

According to last year’s recycling survey 60% of you wanted to know what can and can’t be recycled at home.

Because of this, we produced a series of short animations explaining exactly that! Watch them on our West Sussex Recycles YouTube channel.

This is just one example of how helpful your survey feedback was.

That's why we're running it again!  The short survey aims to gather information on what you know about recycling and waste prevention knowledge in West Sussex.

Whether you took part in last year’s survey or not, we want to hear from you.

Take part in the survey

plastic free july

Easy swaps to go plastic free

Join us this July in reducing plastic waste with simple, sustainable swaps that can make a big difference. For example,

  • switch from liquid soaps and shampoos to bars 
  • store leftovers in reusable containers
  • bring a reusable coffee cup to the office or shops. 

If you do use plastic, remember to recycle what you can at home or at your local Recycling Centre.

Many supermarkets also now have collection points for plastic bags and wrapping. Find your nearest participating store here.

Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays can be recycled at home as long as they are clean, dry and loose. Find more information on what plastics can be recycled at home here.

Go plastic free with easy swaps

summer of sport

Everyone’s a winner with our summer of sport campaign

Get ready to join our upcoming campaign and become a recycling winner whilst enjoying all the different sports the summer of 2024 has to offer.

From recycling takeaway containers during Euro 24, fruit punnets during Wimbledon, to reducing your food waste while watching the Olympics, we'll be sharing tips on recycling to waste prevention all summer long.

Follow @WSRecycles on social media to find out more:

Facebook            Instagram         X (Twitter).

waste volunteers

Meet our passionate volunteers

We're proud to be working alongside a team of passionate recycling and waste prevention volunteers.

They attend public and private events to promote waste prevention, re-use, and recycling, and are keen to answer questions on the county's recycling provision and waste prevention.

They are also bursting with ideas and information to inspire you to recycle more and waste less.

Upcoming events

compost bin

Transform your kitchen waste into garden gold!

Long summer days are the perfect time to start composting and give your garden a natural boost.

Composting is a fantastic way to reduce your kitchen waste, transforming it into nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enhance your garden.

Keep a container in the kitchen to collect your food waste such as eggshells and vegetable peelings, and you could reduce your household waste by up to 10%.

We've teamed up with Get Composting to help you buy a composter at a reduced price - a 220-litre compost bin for £22 or a 330-litre one for £29. Buy your subsidised compost bin here.

More about composting

more news

  • We host seven Community Food Hubs across West Sussex once a month in each district and borough. In collaboration with UKHarvest, they are designed to rescue surplus food from suppliers that would otherwise go to waste. Find out more.

  • The West Sussex Wastebuster’s Climate Action Planning Tool is the newest addition to our waste and recycling education programme. The online planning tool supports schools across the county in creating and implementing an impactful Climate Action Plan. Find out more.

If you enjoyed this special edition, then subscribe to the West Sussex Recycles eNewsletter for a free monthly update on all things recycling and waste prevention. You can subscribe online here.

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