

Arun District Council, whose offices are at Maltravers Road, Littlehampton (tel 01903 737500) are the local planning authority for Felpham.

Felpham Parish Council is a consultee only in respect of all planning applications received by the District Council for the civil parish area of Felpham. This means that elected Councillors serving on the Parish Councils Planning & Licensing Advisory Committee have the opportunity to consider all plans received and to forward their recommendations to the District Council. It needs to be emphasised that it is the District Council that determines whether planning permission should be granted or not. In reaching a decision the District Council considers the planning issues involved, their own local plan policies, the Parish's Neighbourhood Plan, planning guidance issued by central government and all recommendations received from consultees including the Parish Council, local neighbours and others. Search for Planning Applications

The Parish Council Planning Committee

The Parish Council's Planning Committee normally meets in open session in the Council Office at the Felpham Community Hall, on a monthly basis. Meetings are held on Tuesdays. Until restrictions are reduced all meetings will take place online. A copy of the plans list detailing the applications to be considered at the meeting is posted on the 10 Parish Council notice boards throughout Felpham by no later than the Thursday morning immediately preceding the meeting and on the Parish Council's web site. Each Planning Committee meeting includes a maximum of 15 minutes at the beginning for public question time. This is an opportunity for the public to attend and question their elected representatives about an item on the agenda or some other planning issue in the parish. The public are not allowed to participate later in the meeting when the plans are being considered. Members do however welcome receiving copies of written representations that groups or individuals might have sent to the District Council outlining views on specific applications. Whenever these are received elected Members are appraised of the content prior to their consideration of the plans in order to inform the democratic decision making process.

Making Representations

It should be noted that while you are free to express any views you wish about the merits of an application, it is only material planning considerations which can be taken into account by the Local Planning Authority in determining the application. Broadly speaking, these material planning considerations are those relating to the effects of the proposal on the environment and the amenities of neighbouring occupiers. Please see the list below for some for some examples of material and non-material planning considerations. The list is not exhaustive, and there are undoubtedly many other examples of each category.

Review our Planning Applications Fact Sheet for details of what can be taken into account when making representations - Fact Sheet

Planning Considerations
Material considerations Not material considerations

Highway safety and traffic

Effect on the level of daylight and privacy of existing property

Design, appearance and layout

Impact on the appearance of the area

Noise, Disturbance and smells resulting from the proposed development

Need to safeguard the countryside or protected species of plant or animal

Flood risk

The planning history of the site

Planning case law and previous decisions

Conservation of buildings, trees, and open land

Loss of Public visual amenity (not the same as loss of private individuals view).

Risk of increased crime

Economic Impact.

Planning History/Related Decisions

Loss of a private view

Effect on the value of your property

Inconvenience or other problems caused by building works

Trade objections based on competition

The developer's identity, morals, motives or past record

Private property rights such as covenants

Matters covered by other laws apart from planning, such as alcohol licensing, or construction techniques

The fact that development has already started

Moral objections such as an objection to gambling or a pub

Private rights of way.

Land Ownership.

Age, health, status, background and work patterns of those objecting or supporting.

Time taken to carry out the work.

Damage to property.

Potential profit for the applicant arising from the application.

Boundary disputes.

Capacity of private drains/sewers.

“Better” Site or “Better” Use.

Planning applications for Felpham registered by ADC in the past 14 days.


Junction Wyke Lane North/Roundel Road Felpham

5 Burley Road Felpham

8 Henfield Way Felpham

50 Flansham Lane Felpham

35 Downview Road Felpham