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Following an election in May 2023, FPC saw a new intake of parish councillors. Over the past year it has been an absolute honour and privilege to have been the Chairman of such a forward-thinking council.
We made a promise to continue all the good the previous council had done and to involve the community as we moved forward. I’m pleased to say that we have achieved that. We have increased public communication via social media and made to the council more accessible and approachable throughout the process. The projects committee has now been renamed the ‘Projects and Community Involvement’ committee.
Planning Committee – Chair Glen Hewlett, Vice Chair Graham Page:
Under the direction of Cllr Glen Hewlett, the Planning Committee has continued to scrutinise planning applications throughout the parish, ensuring that any plans are in keeping with our beautiful village and not detrimental to the wonderful street scene we have.
Glen has also worked tirelessly to ensure that Felpham parishioner’s views on the Golf Club development were voiced at various meetings across the year. With his hard work and support from the parish council, we were delighted to announce in March that the development had been rejected by Arun District Council.
Allotments and Open Spaces – Chair Jane Parker, Vice Chair Kirsty Halls:
The A&OS Committee have continued over the year to manage our wonderful allotments spaces within Felpham (St Michaels’s and FAGS). We are delighted to have improved security at St Michael’s meaning that unauthorised access has been drastically reduced.
The committee also oversaw the planting of new trees along residential verges in the parish.
Finance Committee – Chair Steve Baker, Vice Chair Jacki Burton:
I am pleased that the Finance Committee has continued to show due diligence and good practice when dealing with parishioner’s precept. We have managed to keep our precept cost to parishioners one of the lowest in the district, whilst still providing support. Because of this, we have been able to make grants to local charities and clubs to ensure that they can continue to serve our wonderful community. We are also pleased to announce that following our election, we were able to overhaul the grant process meaning that grants are made quarterly rather than annually giving those clubs and community projects access to funding sooner rather than later.
I am proud to say that nearly half of the councillors elected, including myself, have refused to take councillor allowances. This means that we have been able to donate our allowances to good causes throughout Felpham, including support for breast cancer patients, a thermal drone to find lost pets, bonding blankets for our local Neo-natal unit, PDSA, and many more.
Projects and Community Involvement Committee – Chair Russ Marsden-Sear, Vice Chair Kirsty Halls:
This committee has probably seen the biggest change over the past year. In addition to the name change, we have worked tirelessly to bring new events and projects to the residents of Felpham. The ‘Fun on The Prom’ event continues to be the biggest annual event in Felpham attracting residents and visitors to the area in the thousands. In conjunction with public feedback and a ‘greener’ future we will continue to use laser displays rather than fireworks. The committee has also been able to increase the number of lifesaving defibrillators throughout the parish thanks to the work and effort by Cllr Pat Young. Other work by this committee has included a large grant to enhance the facilities at King George V playground. Following a rebuild of the play area we are delighted to see so many of our younger generation enjoying a safe and free environment.
This year has also seen the introduction of two major events for Felpham. October saw the first ‘Freaky Felpham’ event. Despite bad weather, the event saw over 300 hundred people dress up and walk through our wonderful village celebrating Halloween. Children were asked to collect and solve clues on their route finally leading them to a fabulous, themed party at the end. Thanks to volunteers and councillor involvement, this event was put on free of charge. The feedback from residents was humbling and it is our intention to make this an annual event supporting families and children throughout the parish creating a safe, organised, and free event.
Secondly, we are proud to announce that we have now created an annual award ceremony to celebrate the achievements of local residents. Our parish is based on those that live here and every day, unbeknown to most of us, parishioners go about their day trying to make our wonderful village even better. As a council we felt that it was about time that those ‘Heroes’ were finally recognised. It was an absolute delight and honour to host a Gala Evening this year to celebrate those people. With winners ranging from support workers, charity fund raisers to even a young girl cutting off her hair to make wigs for child cancer patients. It was truly a wonderful evening and a humbling example of what the people of this wonderful parish do.
Once again, thank you Felpham for being the most amazing, caring, and thoughtful parish. It has been an honour to serve you.
Russ Marsden-Sear, Chairman of Felpham Parish Council
Parishioner of the Year/Felpham Heroes winners
Felpham Parish Council are delighted to share details of the recent Parishioner of the Year/Felpham Heroes winners which were announced at our recent Gala Awards Evening:
Honorary Freedom of the Parish: Gloria Moss
Parishioner of the Year: Ross Fisher
Felpham Heroes 11-18yrs: Toby Clegg, Olivia Vine and Isabelle Isitt Felpham Heroes Under 11yrs: Poppy Ellis-Williams, Hope Grant-Coombs