News and Events

The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Latest Update



Yesterday, I was joined by Sussex Police Chief Constable Jo Shiner, the High Sheriff of East Sussex, Lucinda Fraser DL and the High Sheriff of West Sussex, Philippa Gogarty as I signed the ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office’ in my fourth term as your Police & Crime Commissioner.

Every PCC who takes office must sign the oath which outlines how we will work to cut crime, give a voice to the public and work alongside partner agencies to ensure the safety of the community and effective criminal justice. It also means I promise to serve the people of Sussex with impartiality and to act with integrity and diligence.

As I said when I was re-elected in May, I am humbled to have received the public’s support and to have the opportunity to serve another four-year term as Sussex’s PCC. Signing the Declaration of Office was an honour for me and I remain as committed as ever to giving the public a strong voice in policing.

Sussex is my home, it is where I grew up and where I have raised my own family – it means a lot to me to keep it safe.

No one knows our county better than the people who live and work here which is why, in the coming months, I will be asking the public for their views about policing in Sussex and what matters to them most in terms of safety. What residents have to say is important and it helps me to hold Sussex Police to account when scrutinising their performance.

I will let you know in a future newsletter once the survey is live and you will be able to complete it via my website.

On my YouTube channel, you can watch a short video of me talking with CC Jo Shiner about the importance of the Oath.



Recognising our local, community and neighbourhood police officers



Next week is Response Policing Week of Action. It’s an opportunity to celebrate our Sussex Police response officers who are often the first on scene, responding to calls from the public and catching criminals.

Whilst nationally we dedicate a week to recognise response policing, the role is very much needed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Everyday Sussex Police receives over 500 calls and responds to over 200 emergencies. Many of these require response officers to be at the scene urgently, dealing with uncertainty and often encountering dangerous situations.

For a response officer, every day is different and they never know what they might face. It is a role that requires extreme resilience, agility and focus.

Whilst I am always extremely grateful for Sussex’s diligent and hard-working response officers, I want to use this week to say an additional thank you for all that they do to keep Sussex safe.

Please make sure to visit Sussex Police news site next week, as well as their social media pages, to hear more about the diverse role of a response officer. If you or someone you know is interested in taking on the challenging but rewarding role of a front-line police officer, do also visit the link below to find out more.

Careers - join us as an officer, staff member or volunteer | Sussex Police



Katy Bourne OBE


Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner