News and Events

Operating arrangements to meet Covid guidance


Office workers who can work from home should do so from Monday 13 December. Anyone who cannot work from home should continue to go into work - for example, to access equipment necessary for their role or where their role must be completed in person”

Karen (Hall Assistant) is contactable at or on 07927 032444

The Clerk and Clerk’s Assistant will be contactable at  or on 01243 827470 /  07395 941324

This is available to all Councillors and members of the public during office hours Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm.


PLAN “B” OFFICE HOURS until further notice :


The Clerk will visit the office on Monday,  

Will attend the meetings on Tuesday PM, 

On Wednesday Clerk’s Assistant will be in the Office AM, Clerk will attend PM.

Thursday and Friday we will predominantly work from home, but the Clerk will be calling into the office as and when.


During the Festive Period, the Parish Office will be closed on all Bank Holidays