Latest Council Statement

Update March 2023

Further analysis by Felpham Parish Council of the WSCC response to FP/274/21/OUT of the 28th July 2022 (in which WSCC withdrew its opposition to the application on highways grounds) has shown a disconnect within WSCC in its treatment of safe access and crossing of highways by pedestrians and cyclists. Currently, the Downview Road traffic lights allow unrestricted pedestrian/cyclist crossing by, during the light cycle, holding all traffic simultaneously to permit unfettered crossing by pedestrians and cyclists. Under the changes submitted by the applicant the proposal is to change this traffic light cycle to permit staged crossing holding pedestrians and cyclists at the islands in the middle of the road. This has allowed, or so the applicant claims, a reduction in peak hours queues from 437m westbound to 258m and 183m eastbound to 163m by increasing the capacity at that junction. However Felpham Parish Council have now identified a proposal by WSCC, (under a scheme to identify alternative means of transport to the private vehicle) no more than 200m from the Downview Road traffic lights, to change the lights at the crossing from St Marys church to Drygrounds Land from a two stage means of operation (as proposed at the Downview Road junction) to a single stage of crossing holding all traffic in both directions (as exists at the Downview Road junction). One of the objectives for this proposal is to increase the safety of those crossing the highway. This shows a complete disconnect within WSCC of its treatment of pedestrians/cyclists and property developers. Felpham Parish Council thus further object to the Bognor Golf Club proposal to use Downview Road as its means of access as it feels that the impact of the development and the suggestions proposed by the applicant at the Downview Road traffic lights decreases the safety of pedestrians and cyclists (many of whom attend Felpham Community College and Downview School) whilst promoting the use of the private vehicle which is in opposition to central Government and County Council stated aims and initiatives.


Update October 2022

On Tuesday 11th October, Felpham Parish Council’s Planning Committee reviewed the information from West Sussex County Council’s Highways Department and have drawn the following conclusions:

Felpham Parish Council have discussed West Sussex County Council Highway’s final response to the traffic impact at Downview Road junction with the B2259 and are deeply disappointed in the response and strongly object to the acceptance of the application. Felpham Parish Council further find that the mitigated queue lengths are totally unacceptable to Felpham Parish Council on behalf of the village. (258M = queue length of 51 cars, 163m = queue length of 32 cars based on an average car length of 5m).

Felpham Parish Council are highly concerned at the increased risk to the health and safety of pedestrians and cyclists that the rephasing of the traffic lights will cause and this proposal undermines all the risk management solutions that have been implemented as a result of the number of previous incidences including fatalities.

Felpham Parish Council believe that this proposal takes the village back to the situation that it had prior to the construction of the Charles Purley Way and are deeply disappointed that the mitigation works that took place following the Blakes Mead development will now be negated.


Update July 2022

Felpham Parish Council have received notification of numerous documents related to both applications. This was discussed at the Planning & Licensing Advisory Committee meeting on 12th July 2022, and we encourage people to comment as they see fit. Existing objections will still count, and new objections should be based on the new documents issued.  Members of the public are welcome to attend all Council and Committee meetings. Minutes are available on the Felpham Parish Council website.

Bognor Regis Golf Club Planning Application FP/274/21/OUT  and the new course M/16/22/PL

Felpham Parish Council held a Public Meeting and an Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting on Saturday 19th March 2022 at Felpham Community Hall, Meaden Way, Felpham, PO22 8FA to discuss the application for the residential development (FP/274/21/OUT) at the current course and the new course (M/16/22/PL). Doors opened at 12.30pm with documents on public display. Up to 100 members of the public attended with many questions and debate entered into.

An Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting commenced at 2pm. A number of great questions were put to Councillors and the Committee in addition to this many were submitted prior to Felpham Parish Council via email.

As expected, there was a high attendance, speaking time was limited to 3 minutes per person with preference given to those who had submitted questions in advance. Despite time limitations all attending members of the public were able to express their concerns as to the proposed housing development at the Bognor Regis Golf Club and proposed new Golf Club site at Ancton, between Middleton and Climping.

After debate and presentations by Councillors and members of the Public, Felpham Parish Councillors proposed to strongly object to these planning applications on a number of significant planning grounds and in consideration of the feeling of the committee members and Felpham Parish residents.

Felpham Parish Councillors urged concerned parishioners to submit any objections/supporting statements directly and individually to Arun District Council, comments must be made on material planning matters.

Here are the Parish Council responses to the two applications - FP/274/21/OUT Grounds for Objection

M/16/22/PL Grounds for Objection